Have you ever felt like you had too much to do but not enough time to do it in? Or like things were getting a bit too much and you're not quite sure how to deal with it? Being organised is one of the most underrated and easy ways to get back control of things. So here are 5 ways that you can get more organised this Summer and gain back control of your shit!
1) Keep things tidy
It's now officially Summer (although if you're from the UK it definitely doesn't feel like it - what is up with this weather?!) and what better way to kick off a new season than with a good old-fashioned clear out! Rid yourself of all the stuff that you never use, clean out that drawer that you've been mindlessly throwing old paperwork into (don't try and kid yourself, we all have one) and put on some fresh bed sheets. Getting rid of old clutter is therapeutic and leaves more room for new things. Plus tidy rooms just make you feel calmer and we could all do with a bit of calm in our lives.
2) Make a to-do list every night/morning
Making a list of things that you want to achieve every day (things that are possible of course) reinforces your goals for the day and separates things out in a way that you can handle. It's important not to try and do too much in one day because if you don't get everything done you'll end up feeling disappointed. Making a small list of 5 achievable things to get done every day will ensure that you don't over do it! Plus, lists are so cute and it's an excuse to buy a new, adorable notepad (I got the one in the picture above for this exact reason from TKMAXX, it says hustle at the top - how friggin cute!)
3) Get a good night sleep and wake-up earlier
This is pretty obvious - if you go to bed earlier and wake up earlier, you can utilise more of the day. I've always struggled with getting up early because my sleeping pattern has been a complete disaster since beginning uni three years ago and I just love my bed too much, but recently I've been trying to forge some kind of sleeping pattern that can allow me to make the most of my days. I started going to bed no later than 12 and just waking up when my body naturally wakes which is usually around 8:30am. If you're someone that struggles getting to sleep at night (like me) I'd really recommend drinking chamomile tea about an hour before you plan on actually going to sleep - it really calms me down! Alternatively, if you suffer from insomnia there are companies that offer help, for example the company Kind Minds offer an online webinar course which aims to help you get a better nights sleep and you don't even have to leave the house (for more info check out their website: www.kindminds.org or their Twitter: www.twitter.com/kindminds1).
4) Don't procrastinate
Another obvious one, but something that we are all guilty of! If you put things off you just end up with more to do later. Better to just get it done and out the way now.
5) Keep a diary or write things down on a calendar
I am literally the worst person for double booking. I end up forgetting that I have plans, make more plans and end up having to let someone down. Keeping a diary or writing things down on a calendar is a sure fire way of preventing this from happening - especially as all phones have calendars and you can set reminders (I don't know why I didn't think of this early tbh, sigh).
So there we are, our 5 tips to keeping yourself organised this Summer! Feel free to share any more tips in the comments as we love finding more ways to keep our shit together #AdultLife #Kinda #NotQuiteReadyForItYetButWe'reGettingThere!
Kayleigh xo
P.s. This wasn't an ad, I just genuinely think that Kind Minds do great work!
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