We're back, OFFICIALLY!

Tuesday, 24 May 2016

I feel like every time we post a blog post recently we’re always apologising for not posting in a while. But this time we really are sorry and we really are back. Life has been pretty crazy recently between finishing our dissertations and sitting our final exams but now it’s actually all over. Wow that feels weird to say. It’s over. Sixteen years of education and it’s done. It’s only a matter of time until we get our first graduate jobs and enter the real adult world where we have to pay taxes and drink coffee to survive, how exciting! But until then we have a considerable amount more time on our hands so we will be back to posting at least once a week. This week, we thought it might be fitting (seeing as how we’re going through an important time in our lives where things are changing and we’re finally transitioning in to proper adulthood) to share with you a list of things that we want to achieve this summer! After all, everybody loves a good list!

1) Graduate
So although university is finished and we have completed all of our assignments, we still don’t know if we have graduated yet (fingers crossed). Obviously, we can’t move on unless we have actually passed our assignments so this is a pretty important goal.

2) Go on a much deserved holiday
This is something that we've been waiting for, for a long time. After the utter stress of the past year we need a well deserved break away from normal life. We're thinking sun tanning, drinking cocktails and staying off our phones! 

3) Diet
This constantly appears on pretty much everyone's list of goals. Whether it be new year's resolutions or just a list of things people want to achieve, dieting is almost always there. But, without sounding too cliche (too late) this summer we do want to become more healthy. Eat more fruit, drink more water and just generally look after ourselves.

4) Get a graduate job in our chosen area
This is probably the biggest goal of the Summer (coupled with actually graduating). It would be such an achievement to get a job in what we actually want to do. It would certainly mean that we got something out of uni other than countless drunken memories. Here's hoping!

5) Be spontaneous
This is the last Summer we'll have for the rest of our lives where we have no real commitments. It's the last time that we can just say F**K IT and go on an adventure (as long as it's not too expensive, obvs). So that's what we want to do. We're both going to make this the best summer ever!

Feel free to let us know in the comments what your plans for Summer are!
Kayleigh & Abby xo

1 comment

  1. Such a good list ���� being spontaneous will be fun!!!


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